Serving with FCA is all about building relationships, and no one understands that better than legendary coach Chi Ly. After decades of coaching on the courts and on the fields, FCA Palm Beach County is delighted to now have Coach Ly partnering with us to reach students with the gospel. For Chi, former men’s and women’s tennis coach at Palm Beach Atlantic University, his final score as a coach has not been revealed on the scoreboard, but in life-long relationships.
“I tell my players,” Coach Ly explains, “if I get an invite to your wedding, that means I’ve been a good coach.” And if the past is any indication, Coach Chi will be wearing his wedding suit often!
“As a coach, I’m very competitive. I’m always pushing my players to achieve their best. I tell them, ‘I don’t have a magic wand.’ I cannot make them better unless they put forth the effort. They have to trust me, so more than just drills and skills, my way of coaching is more about building relationships. As I look back on my more than 31 years of coaching, I’m proud to say I am still in touch with some of my first players.”
Athletics has always played a significant role in Chi’s life; he explains how God led him into coaching, “I started playing tennis when I was 12. Since I am the oldest of five, I needed someone to hit with, so I taught my siblings. I realized the more I played, the more I learned, and the more I could pass on. I was so glad to have all four of them play for me at Messiah University when I coached there.”
“My undergraduate and graduate degrees are in mathematics, but God continued to call me to coach. I came to the States as a child, and when I was 15, I attended a church camp where I surrendered my life to Jesus. As the oldest, I was the ‘golden child’, but when the pastor explained that I was a sinner, I just began weeping.” Chi’s encounter with Jesus not only affected him but eventually his entire family. “My family saw the joy I had and even how it impacted my athletic career, and one by one, they became believers too.”
“FCA has been a major part of my coaching career, and I have had the chance to provide athletes with the opportunity to present programs for the entire university. At PBAU, I served as an ambassador for FCA to help with huddles, mentor athletes, and encourage other coaches. Even when I coached at schools that were not predominantly Christian, the players always knew my faith influenced my philosophy. Proverbs 27:17 talks about us sharpening each other as iron sharpens iron. The word ‘competition’ comes from the root word ‘striving.’ “
“On any particular day, you may be better, or they may be better. What you can determine is how you have prepared and how you conduct yourself on the court. My soccer coach always said, ‘Don’t just play the game, live the game.’ I realized that sports is a platform for you to reveal your character to your opponent and beyond. How you compete, how you play, reveals who you are.”
Chi has recently taken a position as a math teacher at The King’s Academy, and he still plans to support area FCA huddles, athletes, and coaches. If you want the chance to see Chi’s faith and competitive spirit in action, head to the nearest Palm Beach County Pickleball court, where he has been known to team up with our Metro-Director Greg Anderson.