Scott Moore is a driven competitor, and his growing faith in The Lord continues to give him the confidence to compete at the highest levels. When we recently spoke with Scott about his life and career as a professional Pickleball player, he revealed to us the real reason as to why he has found such great success on and off the courts. Scott’s devotion to Jesus motivates him to excellence, and is at the center of all his goals and pursuits.
After decades of racquet sports, Scott first discovered the sport of pickleball about nine years ago. Entering into the “empty nest” season of life, Scott began searching for a competitive sport he could enjoy for this next chapter.
A friend invited him to play something called “pickleball”, and the rest is history.
“Anytime I have racquet or paddle in my hand I am a happy camper!” Scott said, reflecting back on his early days of discovering what America’s fastest growing sport is all about. After his timely introduction, it didn’t take Scott long for him to get serious about training and competing, and even setting some lofty goals for his future.
Humble Beginnings
Scott Moore’s introduction into the tournament scene seemed more of a matter of being at the right place at the right time, and of course… knowing the right people.
In 2013, he was recruited last minute as a “fill-in” and competed in his first National Tournament, where he and his partner eventually won the Silver medal in the 5.0 over 50 division.
“We played in the finals and were beat by a couple of hall-of-fame-type legends. They were good. But, I couldn’t sleep that night… I knew we could beat those guys.” Scott had observed the level of competition there at the event and
realized he was not unlike the most talented players who were winning medals in the various levels of age and skill.
“I truly felt like I could play as well as those I saw competing, so I said to my son, ‘I’m gonna be a national champion.’”
“I was all in. I found my answer to what I wanted to invest in. I hired a trainer, and lost twenty pounds in the first 6 months. My son Daniel moved home from Africa where he had been working, and we began to train together. The next year we both won Gold Medals in the Nationals!”
Top moments in Scott’s Career
We asked Scott to share about his most rewarding accomplishments and some of the brightest moments in his career. As he shares his highlights, it is clear that his family relationships mean more than his accomplishments on
the court.
“I heard James Dobson once say, ‘Time turns your trophies into trash.’ It’s just so true…It’s not about the medals for sure.”
Scott recalls that his best moments have been competing alongside his sons. “In 2018, having won a 19 and over doubles tournament with my son Daniel. We beat some of the top teams in the game. All day long I was getting picked on, but we hung in there and won some really big matches… and won the Gold. That was pretty special!”
“The second one I can think of was a tournament in 2016. My stepfather who was 85, myself, and my son Daniel all won Gold medals that day. We had three generations there and each of us were able to win gold in our divisions. That had never been done and will probably never happen again at the Nationals. By the way, My stepdad is 90 now and he plays four days a week!”
Scott’s Faith
Scott’s relationship with Jesus really began out of tragedy. As young teenager, Scott struggled to find hope as his parent’s marriage ended abruptly. Angered by the circumstances, he found help through the ministry of Young Life and eventually had the opportunity to hear the gospel while attending their meetings and camps.
“Romans 8:28 says ‘we know that God causes all things to work together for good, to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes’ and this became my life verse” Scott shares. As a born-again believer, he was able to find forgiveness and then offer forgiveness, and eventually saw his entire family come to faith in Christ. “Our whole family came to Lord through that tragedy and the turmoil of divorce. It’s really Romans 8:28. God brought good into our lives through that”
What’s Next?
So other than winning more pickleball tournaments, what’s on the horizon for Scott Moore? Don’t be surprised if it’s even more about ministry!
Recently Scott has joined with a few friends on the pro tour to form “The Pickleball Fellowship”. This is an informal gathering of those in the pickleball community, to fellowship together and encourage one another. The meetings are held on or near the tournament site, and offer participants a time to connect with other Christians, study the Bible, and pray for each other. Scott’s leadership in this venture has him ministering to folks from all over country, and building key relationships with other Christ-followers who share his love for the Lord.
As Scott and his wife Susan began to travel, they recognized the importance of spending time with other believers. “We were loosing our community,” Scott shares. And so they took action and began to create a sense of community among fellow Christians.
“I was feeling like God had called me for such a time as this, and He equipped me to be a light. I knew it wasn’t because I was anything special … I knew it was supposed to be about Him and not about me. And so that kept propelling me and although I struggle sometimes on the court to remember that, I know that it’s not just about winning. God never lets me forget that.”
“So all we did was throw it out at certain tournaments, ‘hey we’re going to have a pickleball fellowship’…we were just people sharing their hearts and pouring out prayer requests. It’s an amazing time, and God just shows up.”
”Truly God is showing up, and even showing off, among this small group of Christ-followers.” And thankfully Scott and other Believers on the tour are taking a solid stand for Jesus! "As the sport of pickleball continues to gain attention and popularity across the nation,
we can look forward to more great things from Scott Moore and the “Pickleball Fellowship!”